
The Tax Exempt Certificate (501.C.3) has been awarded.a suitable hanger for our first aircraft is located and provided for as a donation to the chapter by the Madison County Airport Authority


To this point the chapter was working to grow the membership as the aircraft grow, and thus far we have been predominantly quiet about membership. As the presence is known more and more, we are working to increasing the membership by at least 15-20 members in the next year.

Goals and Efforts for the up comingyear:

· Continue to work with a consultant to solicitcorporate sponsorship

· T-hanger –continue to with the MDQ Airport Authority to set up the T-hangar up inpreparation for the TH-55’s “temporary home”

· Airshow participation –

· RSA Open house and local Fly In participationneed to be supported increased to accelerate the chapters growth

· Recruit additional members to grow the chapter


Goals and Efforts for the Followingyear:

· Continue to work with a consultant to solicitcorporate sponsorship

· Get the large permanent hanger home built

· Secure aircraft

· Continue to grow the membership in the chapter.


To sum it up the Chapter is moving and we all need tokeep the inertia going to keep it moving and growing.